When you receive your order, please check first that the shipment contains exactly the products and correct quantities before you take the products in use. If the shipping contains false or additional products, they may not be opened or used, and customer must notify us immediately. If the wrong products have been opened or used or have otherwise become ineligible to be put on sale again, the order will not be refunded.
Unused products must be returned within fourteen (14) days starting from the day order was delivered to customer. Returned product and product packaging must be in the same condition as they were when received.
Please let us know by e-mail in case you want to return a product info(a)biohit.fi or by phone +358-9-773 861.
If the received goods are damaged, the damage must immediately be reported to the post as well as to the sender. If the shipping is clearly damaged during transportation (eg, if the pack has been leaked, or otherwise damaged), it must be taken unopened to the nearest post office. If the damages are discovered after opening, customer should in this case also take the shipping to the nearest post office as soon as possible. At the post office customer should fill in a form for damages.
Orders are sent properly packaged. If the compensation decision of post is negative, please contact us. Remember not to lose the Post’s compensation decision document even if the decision is negative. We will not replace broken items before the post office issued a negative reimbursement decision.
The reseller is not responsible of any incorrect use of the products or possible damages caused by the incorrect use of the products. When purchasing a product the client takes a full responsibility of the suitability of the product and of the correct use of it.
Checkout payment service is offered by Checkout Finland Oy (Company registration number 2196606-6) in co-operation with banks and credit institutions. You as a consumer are not required to register or pay extra costs for using the payment service. The operations of Checkout Finland Oy are controlled by the Financial supervisory Authority (FIN-FSA ). All data transfer and money transactions are SSL secured meaning that no external party can see your personal information. Checkout Finland Oy is the payment receiver.
You can use the online payment services of any Finnish bank.
Card Payments (Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Business Eurocard)
In transactions paid by credit or debit card, PayPal acts as the vendor, which means that PayPal and the buyer are the parties of the business transaction. The web store is responsible for marketing and delivering the products or services and for handling possible reclamations. PayPal is the payment receiver, and it also handles reclamations regarding payments.
Contact information:
Checkout Finland Oy
Business ID: 2196606-6
Varastokatu 3 A
33100 Tampere
Customer service:
0800 552 010 (0,00€/min)
09 – 4282 7110 (pvm/mpm)
Work days 09:00 – 16:00